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Leeds Mencap are Recruiting Trustees

  • By Abi Hart
  • 2nd September 2020

Leeds Mencap are looking for four people who are passionate about improving the lives of children and young people with learning disabilities to join our Board of Trustees.  Like many charities we have been hit hard by the pandemic but have also found that new ways of working and greater collaboration give us the opportunity to support more people with learning disabilities in the future.

We are looking for people who are happy to join a small but strong team of skilled and passionate Trustees at a time of uncertainty and change.  You will relish the prospect of getting to know the organisation and your colleagues quickly, grasping the challenges and opportunities we face and working together with Trustees and senior staff to provide strong and clear leadership to the organisation.  The immediate priority is to support plans to recover from the effects of the pandemic but in 2021 we begin the exciting next phase of our development to build on our learning and expertise and extend the support we can offer to children and young people with learning disabilities and their families into the future.

We are looking for people with a wide range of skills and experience and these are detailed in the recruitment pack. In particular we are looking for someone with a strong finance or accountancy background to fill the role of Treasurer.  In addition we currently do not have a Chair and so are interested in talking to people who may consider developing their role as Trustee into becoming Chair in the future. Most importantly we are keen to hear from anyone who feels they have something to contribute at this particular stage of our journey so please get in touch.

We expect a lot but the rewards are equally great.  You’ll see the difference you make in the children and young people who will develop and achieve beyond anyone’s expectations, in the parents who can draw breath and find some respite and comfort in knowing they’re not alone and being given practical and supportive help. In undertaking the role you will be working with a loyal and committed team who are aspirational about what we can achieve together.

For a Trustee recruitment pack please visit our website: http://www.leedsmencap.org.uk/get-involved/job-vacancies or click here.

For an informal discussion please call Cath Lee, CEO on 0113 235 1331.

To apply, please send your CV, together with a supporting statement detailing how you meet the requirements of the role and what you think you can offer, to Cath Lee, CEO at cath.lee@leedsmencap.org.uk

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