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What are Reasonable Adjustments?


Reasonable adjustments are positive steps educational settings must take to enable a disabled pupil to participate in nursery, school or college life. The term ‘reasonable adjustment’ applies specifically to changes made to support children with a disability, but it is often used generally and applied to all children with SEND.

The SEND Code of Practice defines reasonable adjustments as:

‘All schools have duties under the Equality Act 2010 towards individual disabled children and young people. They must make reasonable adjustments, including the provision of auxiliary aids and services for disabled children, to prevent them being put at a substantial disadvantage. These duties are anticipatory – they require thought to be given in advance to what disabled children and young people might require and what adjustments might need to be made to prevent that disadvantage. Schools also have wider duties to prevent discrimination, to promote equality of opportunity and to foster good relations.’

Types of reasonable adjustment include:

  • Adjustments about the way in which school operates such as flexibility around timings or school uniforms
  • Any help or support for a pupil that supports them to access the curriculum
  • Adjustments to the physical features or layout of a building.

What is considered ‘reasonable’?

Sendandyou.org.uk says settings should consider:

  • How much difference the adjustment would make to the pupil
  • How practical the adjustment is
  • The cost implication
  • The resources available
  • What funding is available
  • Health and safety implications
  • How the adjustment might affect other pupils

Examples of Reasonable Adjustments in School

There are many adjustments that schools can make, here are just a few examples:-

To support a pupil with learning needs:

  • Printing resources on dyslexia friendly paper and font
  • Printing out lesson notes or Powerpoint slides
  • Use of laptop to record information instead of writing

To support a pupil with sensory needs and/or autism:

  • Access to ear defenders
  • Late entry and early exit to school
  • Access to busy areas of school at a quieter time – lunch hall, cloak room
  • Designated quiet space/area available and agreed routine in place to access it
  • Regular movement breaks

To support a pupil with communication needs:

  • Allowing extra processing time
  • Breaking down instructions into small chunks
  • Visual timetables or task boards

To support a pupil with vision or hearing needs:

  • Placement at front of class
  • Additional resources such as radio aid, brailler

To support a pupil with medical or health needs:

  • Flexibility around school uniform for pupils with fine motor difficulties
  • Toilet pass
  • Able to sit on chair instead of on the carpet
  • Use of lift instead of stairs

What can I do if I think my child requires a reasonable adjustment in school?

If your child has SEND and needs reasonable adjustments in school you can:

  • Speak to the school SENCO: discuss your child’s needs and the reasonable adjustment that you think would help. If you have other professionals involved they may liaise with the school or produce documents or plans that detail what reasonable adjustments should be made and why.
  • Speak to other professionals: such as nurses, educational psychologists who are involved with your child if you think a reasonable adjustment might help.

Who can I speak to if school is not making reasonable adjustments for my child?

In the first instance you should speak to the school SENCO and/or Head Teacher. It may be that it is not practical or possible to make a particular reasonable adjustment due to the layout of the building for example, or availability of funding.

If you still feel school should be making a reasonable adjustment for your child, contact Leeds SENSAP to discuss your concerns.

Additional support from Leeds MENCAP

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Check out the rest of our Family Support offer. We have:

  • Weekly Chats and Tots coffee morning
  • Family Support workers who can offer advice, signposting and support
  • Lots of tips and resources on our website

Additional support and Resources:

This information is not affiliated with Leeds MENCAP.

Read more about reasonable adjustments from the government: Reasonable adjustments: a legal duty - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

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