Leeds Mencap Siblings Activity days and Trips - December 2023 Booking form
Key information
Date: Friday 5th January
Ages: 7 - 13 year olds
Times: Start at 11:30 am and finish at 5:30pm.
Who can attend: This activity day is open to all children and young people in Leeds who have a sibling with a learning disability/additional needs
Venue: Drop off and pick up at The Vinery Centre, 20 Vinery Terrace, Leeds, LS9 9LU, including a trip to The City Varieties Rock'n'Roll Pantomime.
Cost: £30.00 (please only pay when you have received confirmation from our Activities Coordinator that your child has a place on this activity day)
Deadline for applications: Friday 15th December. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis so please submit your applications as soon as possible.
How to request a place for your child
Please complete and return a Leeds Mencap Siblings Registration form (if your child attends our Siblings group, or has attended an activity day previously, you do not need to re-complete this form).
You also need to complete the below booking form to confirm your interest in attending the trip.
Places will be assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis, you will receive an email to confirm your place and details of how you can pay for your place. Please do not send payment until you receive confirmation from Leeds Mencap that your child has a place.