Leeds Mencap Siblings Activity days and Trips - April 2024 Booking Form
Key information
Dates: Wednesday 3rd April (X-Scape) and Monday 8th April (Yorkshire Wildlife park)
Ages: 7 - 13 year olds (unless your child attends the weekly siblings group)
Who can attend: The trip is open to all young people in Leeds with a sibling who has learning disabilities or additional needs.
Venue: The Vinery Centre, 20 Vinery Terrace, Leeds, LS9 9LU
Times: 9.30am-3.30pm
Cost: £40.00 (Please only pay once you receive confirmation of your place from Leeds Mencap)
Contact: activities@leedsmencap.org.uk
Deadline for applications: 15th March
How to request a place for your child
Please complete and return a Leeds Mencap Siblings Registration form, unless your child already attends the Leeds Mencap Sibling support group or has previously attended an activity day or trip.
Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Please do not send payment until you receive confirmation from Leeds Mencap that your child has a place.
Return your registration form by post to Leeds Mencap, The Vinery Centre, 20 Vinery Terrace, Leeds, LS9 9LU or by e-mail to activities@leedsmencap.org.uk by Friday 2nd February.
Please also complete the below booking form.