fbpx Wiggly Caterpillar Craft - Leeds Mencap

Wiggly Caterpillar Craft

  • By Zoe Limbert
  • 13th September 2022

Paper chains create a wonderful caterpillar that you can squish, wriggle, stretch and bounce. You can even turn him on his side and use each ring of his body to fill with a different number of fruits, foods or objects.

You can view The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle online here.

You will need:

Green paper (cut into chunky strips)

Red card

A pair of scissors

A glue stick/tape/stapler

Optional: Any details you want to add to your caterpillar face – pipecleaners, googly eyes, felt tip pens to draw

How to:

  1. Create your caterpillar face by cutting a circle out of your red card. Let your creativity out here as you design your caterpillar face.
  2. Make the caterpillar’s body by securing each green paper strip end to end to make a loop. Then attach each loop to another loop to make the body of your caterpillar - staples work well for this step.
  3. Attach the face to the front of your chain - a loop of tape or double sided tape works well for this step.
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