fbpx 'When I feel angry I can...' visual resource - Leeds Mencap

'When I feel angry I can...' visual resource

  • By Sophie Baddeley
  • 17th May 2024

What does this resource help with?

  • Speaking about strong emotions helps to normalise them, and can support children with their self awarenesss.
  • Visual resources act as a tangible reminder to help children who may struggle with processing information.
  • Visual resources take the pressure off the young person in the moment, and can support with decision making.

How can I use this resource?

  • Click below to download both files and print them out.
  • Cut out the strategy cards.
  • Choose a time where your young person is feeling positive and receptive to look at the resource together.
  • Start by introducing the idea of 'anger'. Help your child identify the physical signs of anger that may be easier to recognise in their body. For example - feeling hot, stomach churning, muscles tensing and clenched teeth.
  • Help your child choose some strategies to help calm them down when they're feeling angry. Aim to choose about 3, you may choose to order them on the board with which strategy they will try first.
  • Stick the resource somewhere everyone can see.
  • Model regulation in relation to your own behaviour. Verbalise your feelings and corresponding actions - e.g. "Mum is feeling a bit angry, so I'm going to take some deep breaths".
  • Offer up opportunities for your child to make their own choices about their behaviour - if you notice behaviour beginning to escalate intervene with "I notice you might be starting to feel angry, shall we do some stomps?".
  • Consistent strategies across settings can help effectiveness. If this works for your child at home, you could speak to their school or nursery about doing something similar.
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