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My Time in Lockdown

  • By MencapUsr
  • 7th May 2020

My Time in Lockdown - By Kai from Leeds Mencap’s Friday Club

When Boris Johnston said on the TV that schools were to close, and lots of business too, which meant that I had to stay at home with my family and I was not allowed out like normal, I found it quite difficult at first.

I had my good days and my bad days, with my behaviour not always being the best. My school started to send work home for me to do, but I am now starting to slowly adjust to it. It has been quite difficult on the weekends, as unfortunately I can’t go out, so I find that a bit of a shame.

In April it was my birthday, but I could not see all of my family, friends or relatives and I found that really sad, but they did manage to video call me. When the day came, I had a fantastic day and got loads of nice presents, cards and messages on Facebook, even from my family’s friends that I didn’t even know!

When this all first started, I thought this would only last a few days, but now that turned into weeks, then weeks turned into more than a month. I will be so glad when this is all over and I get to my normal routine back.

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